
Writing is a brain booster.

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Jun 15Liked by Jeanette Martin

Very true. Writing about the world shapes the way we view the world. There is always something to write about. The brain is the sixth sense. Hmmn - I think I’m going to steal that one!

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Jun 15Liked by Jeanette Martin

So true that when we are sharing our words, we choose them differently and yes, we turn the dial on our focus to be a little sharper as we navigate our days. I use the voice recording app on my phone to note ideas or thoughts I want to remember when I don't have pen and paper close. Is it sad my phone is always close? Like a second brain in my pocket or bag!.

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Voice recording apps are so handy, agreed! And it doesn't surprise or sadden me that your phone is close. You're an idea-generation machine after all, right? If only that second brain could write for us.

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